Christie Behrisch Kumar, MC RCC      Providing counselling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples and first responders

*I am currently waitlisting new clients*

Christie Behrisch Kumar, MC RCC       Providing counselling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples, and first responders.


"Each of us is the sum of our experiences in life. The secret is discovering how those experiences interrelate."   - Dr. Ajay Makan
I offer professional counselling in the areas described below.  


I work with adults who may be struggling with a variety of mental health concerns. My areas of specialty are substance use addictions, adult ADHD, trauma, anxiety, and depression. I have also helped clients navigate their way through life transitions to encourage them to become the best versions of themselves. I utilize a variety of techniques to help clients develop skills, learn more about themselves, and gain relief from distress.
See Therapeutic Approaches for more information.
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Couples often believe that their relationship would be perfect if their partner would just _____ (insert behaviour to start or stop). However, that is not the way to create lasting positive change in a relationship. Each individual is responsible for his or her own emotions, reactions, and behaviours. I can help you identify the problem areas in your relationship, take ownership of your contributions, and learn new ways to show up as your best self in order to cultivate the type of relationship you are longing for.
See Therapeutic Approaches for more information.
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First Responders

As a first responder, medical professional, or military professional, your job is not ordinary. To experience unfathomable events - all in a day's work - can lead to seemingly inexplicable feelings and emotions. It makes no sense to dedicate your professional life to the well-being of others only to have your personal life suffer as a result. I can help you identify and address your specific concerns so that you may experience fulfillment on duty and, more importantly, at home.
See Therapeutic Approaches for more information.  
I would be happy to provide my experience with uniformed personnel upon request.
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Let's Talk

The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.
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