Christie Behrisch Kumar, MC RCC      Providing counselling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples and first responders

*I am currently waitlisting new clients*

Christie Behrisch Kumar, MC RCC       Providing counselling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples, and first responders.

Brio Counselling
brio /ˈbrē-ō/
noun: liveliness or vigour; spirit



Therapy looks different for every single individual. Each client has unique needs, particular learning styles, diverse backgrounds, and distinctive goals for desired change. My areas of focus include:
  • Adult ADHD
  • Substance Use Addictions
  • Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
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Couples therapy is the place for couples to learn to be together differently. It is not the place to fight, convince someone to take your side, or expect your partner to make all the changes. It is the space to learn how to become a better partner in order to create the type of relationship you desire. 
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First Responders

Police, firefighters, paramedics, medical and military personnel encounter extraordinary situations to help to keep our society safe and healthy. It is of utmost importance they receive support in an understanding environment so they themselves can remain safe and healthy to continue to do their jobs.
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Hi, I'm Christie

I'm so glad you're here. Whether you are searching for relief from grief or trauma, hoping to learn some coping skills, wanting to improve your relationship, or looking for a safe, non-judgmental place to share or process what's going on for you, I would be happy to work with you as you takes steps towards healing change.
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A Story of Inspiration

The Fern and the Bamboo
Fern and bamboo seeds were planted in the woods. Each were given equal amounts of water, sunlight, and nourishment. 
The fern quickly grew from the earth, its brilliant fronds soon covering the forest floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.
The following year, the fern grew more splendidly than before, but still nothing came from the bamboo seed.
In the third and fourth years, the fern remained lovely as ever, while the bamboo still had not surfaced. 
In the fifth year, a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern, it seemed small and insignificant. Day by day it grew, first a shoot, then a seedling, and finally a cane. 
Within six months, the bamboo cane had risen to the height of 50 meters. It had spent five years growing roots.  Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. Without them, the bamboo may have washed away.
The bamboo has a different purpose than the fern, yet they both make the forest beautiful.  Do not compare yourself to others: your time will come.
  “If nothing seems like it is happening in your life, despite all the work you’re putting in, remember that you’re probably growing roots, not fruit. Stick with it. One day not far from now, there’ll be a fantastic harvest.”                                             –Author Unknown
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